My shiny little online spot to help y'all keep track of me while I galavant around London.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

What Canadian Province are you?

And, now, to break up the massive, giant piles of text (and yes, there're more to come) here's this.

Stolen from James' blog...

You're New Brunswick. You're a very easygoing
person. You're easy to please and not very
demanding. You're seldom the target of much
mockery or scorn.
When you are, it's never very serious. It's smooth
sailing for you.

What Canadian Province Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I wouldn't have thought New Brunswick, but I'm cool with that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I came up as B.C. And not a "target of much mockery or scorn." Ha!

Shouldn't you be working on your story, Ms. Journalist, oh wait I should be working too.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I came up as B.C. And not a "target of much mockery or scorn." Ha!

Shouldn't you be working on your story, Ms. Journalist, oh wait I should be working too.




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