333 and Riddhi's Birthday
Last week it was the birthday of a classmate, Riddhi, so on Friday we all went out to some club on Old Street, which is a trendy-but-not-touristy club area. The plan had been to go to Herbal, but when we arrived, after delays and the hourish long tube trip, around midnight, the line up was long and not moving. So, after some discussion in the grossly garbage filled street, we went to another club, down teh street, called Jaguar.
This club had no line up; indeed, it had no cover charge. It was, however, located in an old shoe store, evidenced by the sign overhead: Jaguar Shoes. Ahh. So that's where they got the name!
Then, we wandered a bit more, and somehow ended up at some club called 333--this one was named thus because it's address is apparently 333 Old Street. How clever.
Anyways, an 8 pound cover charge later, and I'm apparently in one of the trendier clubs in London. Apparently. Good lord, if this is cool, let me be lame. I sincerely hope there are better places than this in this city, vaguely famous for nice clubs. If I liked or knew house music, I'm sure I would have had a better time, but it wasn't just the music. The place wasn't terrible, it just wasn't special. The decor, the bar, the staff, the music, the lighting--all just average. All just there, nothing special. Maybe I just don't know what cool is...
But, here're some photos: http://njkobie.dotphoto.com/CPViewAlbum.asp?AID=2191242
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